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Cultural Developmental
Science Lab
Working to Promote Wellbeing, Resilience, & Resistance Among Youth of Color
The CDS lab, run by Dr. N. Keita Christophe, aims to understand the factors that promote healthy development and resilience among racially/ethnically minoritized youth & families exposed to racial discrimination. Specifically, we study factors such as racial identity, coping with discrimination, anti-racism, cultural values, & the ways parents talk to their children about race/ethnicity, with attention toward how these factors change throughout development and impact youth's psychological wellbeing & mental health.
Our work is grounded in models of developmental psychopathology & minority youth development (e.g., Garcia Coll et al., 1996; Neblett et al., 2012; Spencer et al., 1997) & takes strengths-based approaches to studying minoritized populations. We focus primarily on Black, Latinx, Multiracial, & immigrant adolescents (~13-18) & emerging adults (~18-29), as well as their families.
Dr. Christophe will be accepting a graduate student for the 2025-26 academic year (i.e. fielding applications Fall 2024). Students interested in the clinical and experimental tracks are encouraged to apply!
"I am interested in applicants who are interested in contributing to any of our ongoing projects. Of particular need to the lab is a student interested in working on our ongoing and future projects studying Multiracial, or mixed-race, youth and families."
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