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Please check back periodically for new publications!

​​Please refer to Dr. Christophe's Google Scholar page for a complete list of publications: Link


Note: * Graduate mentee; ** undergraduate mentee; † co-first authorship



*Desmarais, A. & Christophe, N. K. (2024). Discrimination, critical consciousness and mental health in American youth of color. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 34(4), 1420–1430.  Link
*Desmarais, A. & Christophe, N.K. (2024). A person-centered analysis of critical consciousness in Black and Latine emerging adults: Links with discrimination and mental health. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. Advance online publication. Link
**Dal Santo, C., *Desmarais, A., & Christophe, N.K. (2024). Coping with ethnic-racial discrimination: Protective-reactive effects of shift-&-persist coping on internalizing symptoms among Black American adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 34(4), 1420–1430.  Advance online publication. Link
Del Toro, J., Legette, K., Christophe, N.K., Pasco, M., Miller-Cotto, D., Wang, M.T (in press). When ethnic-racial discrimination spills over and predicts the school adjustment of non-discriminated adolescents: The mediating role of classroom climate. Developmental Psychology.
Mejia, Y., Christophe, N.K., Lobo, F.M., *Desmarais, A., & Stein, G.L. (2024). Critical consciousness and anti-racist action as rooted in family processes. Family Process, 63(2), 630–647. Link
Caba, A., Christophe, N.K., Renley, B.M., Simon, K.A., Feinstein, B.A., Watson, R.J. (2024). Measurement invariance of the LGBTQ People of Color Microaggressions Scale in a sample of sexual and gender minority youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 34, 759–775. Link
Christophe, N.K., & Stein, G.L., Salcido, V.V. (2024). Parental ethnic-racial socialization messages direct and indirect associations with shift-&-persist coping among minoritized American adolescents. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication.  Link
Christophe, N.K., *Desmarais, A., Kiang, L., Stein, G.L., Stevenson, H.C., Jones, S.C.T, & Anderson, R.E. (2024). Differences and similarities between ethnic-racial identity and critical consciousness links among diverse parents of color. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication. Link
Multi-RaSCS Project
Jones, S.C.T., Christophe, N.K., Stevenson, H.C., Stein, G.L., Kiang, L., Chan, M. & Anderson, R.E. (2024). We got this: Evaluating racial socialization competency among diverse ethnic-racial groups. Journal of Family Psychology, 38(4), 571–581. Link
Multi-RaSCS Project
Christophe, N.K. & Stein, G.L. (2024). Patterns of cultural and coping factors among minoritized youth: associations with discrimination and depressive symptoms. Race and Social Problems, 16(2), 185–197. Link
Cheeks, B.L., Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., Patel, P.P., & Salcido, V.V. (2024). It’s how I was raised: How ethnic-racial socialization patterns influence civic engagement in minoritized emerging adults. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication. Link 
Salcido, V.V., Patel, P.P., Gomez Alvarado, C., Christophe, N.K., & Stein, G.L. (2024). Understanding how Latinx youth cope with discrimination: A call to action. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication. Link
*Desmarais, A., Christophe, N.K., & Robins, R. (2024). Latinx children’s trajectories of ethnic pride from childhood through emerging adulthood: Associations with mothers and fathers’ trajectories. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 53, 685–700. Link


Christophe, N.K., Martin Romero, M.Y., & Stein, G.L. (2023). Evaluating the utility and validity of a discrimination-specific measure of shift-&-persist coping. Infant and Child Development: Prenatal, Childhood, Adolescence, Emerging Adulthood, 33(3), e2490. Link
Stein, G. L., Christophe, N. K., Salcido, V., & Martin Romero, M. Y. (2023). Racial-ethnic socialization in Latinx families: Cultural resilience and coping. In D. P. Witherspoon, S. M. McHale, & V. King (Eds.), Family Socialization, Race, and Inequality in the United States (pp. 93–115). Springer Nature Switzerland. Link
 Christophe, N.K., Atkin, A.A., Williams, C.D., Quick, K.N., Wu, C.S., & The LOVING Study Collaborative (2023). Patterns of family-based and external discrimination experienced by Multiracial college students: Links to internalizing symptoms and familial support. Journal of Family Psychology, 38(1), 48–58. Link
LOVING Project
Kiang, L., Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., Stevenson, H.C., Jones, C.T., Chan, M., & Anderson, R.E. (2023). Ethnic-racial identity and socialization competency: How minoritized parents “walk the talk”. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 29(4), 493–502. Link
Multi-RaSCS Project
Lafrenière, B., Audet, É., Kachanoff, F., Christophe, N.K., Holding, A.C., Janusauskas, L., & Koestner, R. (2023). Gender differences in perceived racism threat and activism during the BLM social justice movement for Black young adults. Journal of Community Psychology, 51(7) 2741–2757. Link
Atkin, A. L., Christophe, N. K., Williams, C. D., & The LOVING Study Collaborative. (2023). Investigating how parental support varies across racially diverse mothers and fathers in relation to emerging adults’ multiracial experiences and psychological distress. Race and Social Problems, 15, 19–31. Link
LOVING Project
Gabriel, A. K., Abidog, C., Yoo, H. C., Stein, G. L., Christophe, N. K., Atkin, A., Wu, C., & Lee, R. M. (2023). Applying Critical Multiracial Theory to conceptualizing and measuring Multiracial experiences and identity. In D. P. Witherspoon & G. L. Stein (Eds.), Diversity and Developmental Science: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy (pp. 119–142). Springer International Publishing. Link
Mathews, C. J., Bañales, J., Christophe, N. K., Briggs, A. S., & Hope, E. C. (2023). Action, but make it critical: The measurement and developmental processes of critical action for Black and Latinx youth. In D. P. Witherspoon & G. L. Stein (Eds.), Diversity and Developmental Science: Bridging the Gaps Between Research, Practice, and Policy (pp. 223–243). Springer International Publishing. Link
Stein, G. L., Christophe, N. K., Castro-Schilo, L., Gomez Alvarado, C., & Robins, R. (2023). Longitudinal links between maternal cultural socialization, peer ethnic-racial discrimination, and ethnic-racial pride in Mexican American youth. Child Development, 94(3), 752–767. Link


Green, M. N., Christophe, N. K., & Lozada, F. T. (2022). Concordant and discordant patterns of parental racial socialization among Biracial Black-White adolescents: Correlates and consequences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(12), 2340-2354. Link
Feinstein, B. A., Christophe, N. K., Chang, C. J., Silvia, P. J., Starr, L. R., Stein, G. L., & Vrshek-Schallhorn, S. (2022). Measurement invariance of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15) across sexual orientation, gender identity, and race/ethnicity in a sample of sexual minority young adults. Psychological Assessment, 34(10), 978–984. Link
Duell, N., Christophe, N.K., & Martin Romero, M.Y. (2022). Risk taking profiles among college students: An examination of health-risk taking, anti-racism action, and college functioning. Journal of American College Health, 72(5), 1419–1427. Link
Kiang, L., Chan, M., Lassiter, R., Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., Jones, C.T., Stevenson, H.C., Anderson, R.E. (2022). The Silver Linings of COVID-19 and Racism Pandemics? Asian American Journal of Psychology, 13(4), 364–374. Link
Multi-RaSCS Project
Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., Kiang, L., Johnson, N.C., Jones, C.T., Stevenson, H.C., Anyiwo, N., & Anderson, R.E. (2022). A 21st Century Take on Patterns of Racial-Ethnic Socialization: Competency and Content among Minoritized Parents. Social Sciences. 11(2), 1–20. Link
Multi-RaSCS Project
Stein, G.L., Jensen, M., Christophe, N.K., Cruz, R., Martin Romero, M.Y., & Robbins, R. (2022). Shift and persist in Mexican American youth: A longitudinal test of depressive symptoms. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(4), 1433–1451. Link
Christophe, N.K. & Stein, G.L. (2022). Facilitating the study of familism across racial/ethnic groups: Creation of the Short Attitudinal Familism Scale. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(4), 534–544. Link
 Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., & Martin Romero, M.Y. (2022). Examining the promotive versus protective impact of culturally-informed shift-&-persist coping in the context of discrimination, anxiety, and health behaviors. Journal of Community Psychology, 50, 2829–2844. Link
Atkin, A.L., Christophe, N.K., Gabriel, A., Stein, G.L., & Lee, R.M. (2022). A discussion of race terminology in the field of psychology: Acknowledging the growing Multiracial population in the US. American Psychologist, 77(3), 381–393. Link
Christophe, N.K., Martin Romero, M.Y., Hope, E.C, & Stein, G.L. (2022). Critical civic engagement in Black college students: Interplay between discrimination, centrality, and preparation for bias. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(2), 144–153. Link
*Salcido, V.V., Christophe, N.K., & Stein, G.L. (2022). Familism and psychological wellbeing among Latinx youth: The role of parental alcohol use. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(4), 565–573. Link
Christophe, N.K. & Stein, G.L. (2022). Shift-&-Persist and discrimination predicting depression across the life course: An accelerated longitudinal design using MIDUSI-III. Development and Psychopathology, 34(4), 1544-1559. Link
Christophe, N. K., Atkin, A. L., Stein, G. L., Chan, M., Abidog, C., Gabriel, A. K., Lee, R. M., Wu, C. S., Yoo, H. C. (Brandon), & The LOVING Study Collaborative. (2022). Examining multiracial pride, identity-based challenges, and discrimination: An exploratory investigation among biracial emerging adults. Race and Social Problems, 14, 22–38. Link
LOVING Project
Atkin, A.L., Christophe, N.K., Yoo, H.C., Gabriel, A., Wu, C.S., & The LOVING Study Collaborative (2022). The development and validation of the Familial Support of Multiracial Experiences Scale. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(1), 40–66. Link
LOVING Project


Kiang, L., Christophe, N. K., & Stein, G. L. (2021). Differentiating Pathways between Ethnic-Racial Identity and Critical Consciousness. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 1369–1383. Link
Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., Martin Romero, M.Y., Patel, P.P, & Sircar, J.K. (2021). Culturally-informed shift-&-persist: A higher-order factor model and prospective associations with discrimination and depressive symptoms. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(4), 638–648. Link
Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., & the LOVING Study Collaborative (2021). A person-centered analysis of ethnic-racial socialization messages and their identity correlates in Multiracial youth. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27(3), 332–342. Link
LOVING Project



Christophe, N. K., Stein, G. L., Kiang, L., Supple, A. J., & Gonzalez, L. M. (2020). Latent profiles of American and ethnic–racial identity in Latinx mothers and adolescents: Links to behavioral practices and cultural values. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 8(2), 142–160. Link
Christophe, N.K., Stein, G.L., Martin Romero, M.Y., Chan, M., Jensen, M., Gonzalez L.M., Kiang, L. (2019). Coping and culture: The protective effects of shift-and-persist and ethnic-racial identity on depressive symptoms in Latinx youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(8), 1592–1604. Link
Stein, G. L., Castro-Schilo, L., Cavanaugh, A. M., Mejia, Y., Christophe, N. K., & Robins, R. (2019). When discrimination hurts: The longitudinal impact of increases in peer discrimination on anxiety and depressive symptoms in Mexican-origin youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(5), 864–875. Link
Case, A. S., & Christophe, N. K. (2019). Strategies for improving self-efficacy: A qualitative analysis of Detroit’s Downtown Boxing Gym. Journal of Youth Development, 14(1), 165–181. Link
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